Horseshoe's - Written by Keith Simkins

My grandpa Alvie Simkins and one of his younger brothers were going to shoe a horse one day.The horse was hard to shoe and had to be throwed and tied to shoe him. My grandpa took him over into Arkansas to a sawmill so he could throw him in the sawdust pile. On the way down to the sawmill his younger brother saw a small cave entrance on the hillside. He begged his older brother to stop so they could go in to the cave. He said that he had to get the horse shod and maybe on the way back home they could.

They were gone no more than two hours. When they got back to the place the cave was the hillside had slid down hiding the cave entrance. This story was told in June of 1996 by his younger brother who is in his 60's now. He didn't say what year this was.

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© 1996, 1997 Jo Dunne