Rosa’s Children Go to Cedar Bluff
 By Ruby Steele
  Submitted by Jeannie Owens

Sometimes, after her marriage to Grover Steele, Rosa and her family would stay at the farm for awhile to help her Dad, as her mother had died while Rosa was still a young girl.  Her two oldest children, Clevy and Chloe, attend Cedar Bluff school at times when they lived on their grandfather’s farm.

Mrs. Chapman was Chloe’s teacher in her first year of school.

Church was held in the schoolhouse when there was a minister available.  Mabel Taylor used to take Chloe to church on the back of her saddle horse, which she rode when she went any place.

Clevy delighted in teasing his sister.  He sat across the room from her in school and would make faces at her, knowing she would giggle when he did.  One day the teacher asked her what she was giggling about, but she wouldn’t tell on Clevy, so she was punished by having to stand in the corner.

One night they had a school program and Clevy was supposed to speak a piece.  His teacher at the time was Miss Gwinn.  He called his piece “The teacher and the toad”.  This is how it went-----

As I went up the new cut road,
I met Miss Ella Gwinn and a toad;
And every time the toad would jump,
Miss Gwinn would dodge behind a stump.

Clevy and Chloe recall a Christmas party, which was to be held at the school one year.  It snowed that day and the snow was so deep they feared they would not get to go to the party.  Their father tied a rope around a log, and going ahead of them, pulled the log to clear a path so the children might go to the party.